Sunday, July 29, 2007

How We Spend Our Summer--Past and Present

at a family party...Michael, Rosie and Tommy

with a Bud... Dr. Tom, Uncle Tom and Aunt Anne

on the merry-go-round... Mary Rita and her mom

at the pool... Mary Rita

on a cruise...Eileen, Mary Kate and Courtney

and staying cool... Rich and Tommy

Sunday, July 22, 2007

August 1973 Family Party at 29 Sherman

After the famous trip to Florida and Disney World, there was a party at 29 Sherman.
From left to right, Uncle Tom Quinn, Uncle Tom Kane, Nancy, Rich, Uncle George Munch and Ken.

Ken: From the '60s to '80s

Bishop Ford High School graduation, 1966

Mary Ellen's Confirmation, May 1972 with Nancy, Mary Ellen and flowers

With Nancy at 29 Sherman, 1973, before taking Mary Ellen to Montes


At the Cirritos, 1976, Christmas, with Nancy, Elly and Mary E

Graduation from Law School, 1978?

With Kenny

With Caitlin

Monday, July 16, 2007

Another Angle on a Family Party

Here's another classic family party picture, from a different perspective.

Summer at the Beach

There were a few summers at Shady Lake and trips to Budd Lake and Fayson Lake but for the Nolans most summers were spent at the beach: Riis Park, Breezy or the the Long Shore Beach Club, just east of the Breezy bungalows. It was/is a family tradition ; the Quinns had a cabana at the Breezy Point Surf Cub then; now Rich does.

One constant at Riis or the Long Shore was the scotch cooler below. Elly would fill it with ice, a few sandwiches and some fruit. We head off in the car, fighing as always, compete to be the "first to see the bridge" and eventually lug the cooler to the beach where a few hours later we'd have "a peach at the beach."

Here are some pictures of the Nolans of Brooklyn at the beach.
Scotch Cooler

Eileen and George and Georgie. Look at those cigarettes!

Obviously, there was more ice than food in that cooler, as our ribs show.

Rich, Eileen, Courtney, Mary Kate and Jack at Breezy

Mary E and Rich


Sunday, July 8, 2007

From 1962: Kanes, Nolans, Elly and Jean Sullivan

Here are two classic pictures from 45 years ago, 1962.

Rich, Mary Ellen and Tommy, Bobby, Mary Anne and Terry Kane on Wingate Drive in Bethesda, Maryland.

Elly with the famous Jean Sullivan and Eileen in the battle of the furs.

Is that Joanie and Helen Quinn on the left?

Eight Pictures of Jack (Heado) Nolan

Thanks to Anne and to Elly's archives, here are some pictures of Jack

In high school

With Bud Pope in WWII

In the backyard WWII

The back of the photo reads: The linkup, Avignon France July 1 1945

With the guys, after the war. That's Heado on the far left and Pete Butchere in the stipped tie in the front row. Anne says he got the name "Heado" from Coogan Woglom, because of his large head size. The Army had to search for a helmet that fit Heado.

With Mary Ellen on Sherman Street

With Mary Ellen in 1969, Newport RI

On the way to W.R. Grace

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Census Records for Jack, Anne and Elly

Here are the 1930 and 1920 census records for the Nolan's of 28 (1930) and 22 (1920)Sherman St and the 1930 census record for the Cullinans, including Elly, of 84 Windsor Place.

In 1930 Rita was 16, Jack 14 and Ann was not even 2.

In 1920 Grandpa Nolan's mom Helen lived with them. Eileen and Anne were yet to come and Rita was recorded as Mary.

In 1930 Elly and her sister Kathleen lived on Windsor Place with their parents John and Helen. Grandpa Cullinan was a building engineer and owned his house, value $10,000. He immigrated from the "Irish Free State" in 1905 and Nana Cullinan arrived in 1909

In other records made available this weekend by the Mormons, Jack's Army enlistment record shows he was inducted June 11 1942. He was 6' tall, not 6'1 1/2" as he always claimed. He weighed 144 pounds and his occupation was Linotype operator. He was inducted on June 11 , 1942, seven years to the day later, Ken was born. In another coincidence, Jack was discharged on September 17, 1945, exactly 27 years to the day before his death.

Here's the enlistment record shows:

Name: John J Nolan
Birth Year: 1916
Race: White, citizen (White)
Nativity State or Country: New York
State: New York
County or City: Kings

Enlistment Date: 11 Jun 1942
Enlistment State: New York
Enlistment City: Fort Jay Governors Island
Branch: Branch Immaterial - Warrant Officers, USA
Branch Code: Branch Immaterial - Warrant Officers, USA
Grade: Private
Grade Code: Private
Term of Enlistment:
Enlistment for the duration of the War or other emergency, plus six months, subject to the discretion of the President or otherwise according to law
Component: Selectees (Enlisted Men)
Source: Civil Life

Education: 2 years of college
Civil Occupation: Linotype Operator
Marital Status: Single, without dependents
Height: 72
Weight: 144

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Kanes Invade Brooklyn, Staten Island

Anne, Tom and the Tommy Kanes invaded New York for Meghan's graduation from Wagner in Staten Island and for some pizza in Broklyn. Here are Tommy's pictures and captions.

Anne and Tom at Rocco's Pizza in Bay Ridge. Just like old times!

The proud parents with Wagner graduate Meghan who will be working in Manhatten at Shape magazine as a legal assistant.

The gang at Rich's and Eileen's for some dessert after Rocco's

Here's Granny Annie giving Madeline some pointers that her and Lucille Fletcher would have done. Madeline is now a Philadelphia Eagles Cheerleader.

This is Harley wearing his bandanna of "I saved a life". He gives a pint of blood every six weeks at the Eastern Shore Vet Blood Bank. Can any of the cousins canines top that?

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Nolans in Rome

Found while vacationing in Rome:
Il Nolano
a wine bar.
It even look like it belongs in Brooklyn.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

The Mighty Quinns

Jack found this poster, listing upcoming singers, in a pub in Dublin.

Kevin sent this picture of Easter among the Quinns in Connecticut. He writes:
"Starting with me going clockwise Kevin, Shannon, Peter Jr. , Bernadette, Corbin ,Cameron, Braden, Cassidy, and Kerrigan. "

Bob Quinn sent some Easter pictures from Quinn Southern States contingent. Here's Trey opening his Easter Basket.

Cailtin riding Jewel in her spring opener competition

Melinda and Bob, Easter 2007