Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Munch Archives--Vol III: Eileen, Rita,, Anne and Jack

The second generation: Anne, Eileen, Jack and Rita

  At 29 Sherman, Jack and Elly, Tom and Rita, Maisie or Nana Cullinan, Michael and Johnny and is that Kenneth?

 Eileen and Anne 

Jack and Elly in the foreground and (l to r) in the background Nancy, Uncle Tom Kane, Bob Quinn, Uncle Tom and Aunt Rita 

At the beach: Elly, Rita and Eileen

 The Munchs and the Kanes in the 1960s: starting from the lower left and going clockwise: Georgie, Bob, Terry, Patty, Uncle George, Aunt Eileen, Aunt Anne, Tommy, Marianne and Mary Jane.

 Aunts Anne, Rita and Eileen, across the street from 1636 10th Avenue. 

 Tommy, Peter and Bobby Quinn 

 On 9th Avenue, Jack, Rita and Tom Quinn
probably 1950s

 Aunt Rita and Uncle Tom in the 1980s

Bob, Aunt Anne and Rosie at Ken and Nancy's Christmas party last year.

Bob and Ellen Quinn

Richard Munch and Aunt Anne

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The Munch Archives Vol II: Mary Gertrude (Maisie) and John J. Nolan

Thanks to Richard Munch, here are pictures of the founders of the Nolans of Brooklyn, Maisie and John J. Nolan.

 Pictures of Maisie and John as children

Aunt Rita and Grandma May in the early  1920s

John J and his son Jack in the 1930s

Eileen, Maisie and Anne in the 1940s

Anne, May and Eileen with an observer 50s/60s

Anne, Maisie and Eileen in cooler weather 50s/60s with Maisie almost showing a smile

At Maisie's 75th birthday celebration
Bottom row: a Kane, Richard, Ken, Johnny
With Maisie: Marianne (?), Mary Jane and picture of Tommy
Back row: Bobby, Michael and Peter

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Munch Archives: Volume I-- Seven Pictures of Grandma/Aunt Eileen

 Grandma Maisie's 75th Birthday with her children

 The Munch Wedding: Eileen and George with their Moms 

 Grandma /Aunt Eileen

 Tommy, Georgie and Eileen 

 Grandma/Aunt Eillen and Grandpa/Uncle  George

The Nolan Sisters: Rita, Eileen, Elly, Anne, and Marianne (?)

The Munch Wedding: 
back row: Peter, Tommy, Jack, George, Tom and Bobby
front row: Elly, Anne, Eileen, Maisie and Rita

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Munches

Richard Munch's first day singing in the choir of St Patrick's Huntington.

Richard's first day driving the family car.

Richard and mom Dina.